Wairoa Kohanga Reo
Te Pūrongo a te kaiako
Tena koutou katoa
E tika ana, me tukuna atu te mihi tuatahi ki tō tatou kaihanga- koia te timatanga me te whakamutunga o ngā mea katoa, noreira me whakahonore, whakakororia i tōna ingoa tapu i ngā wā katoa.
Tuarua, ki ngā kahui wairua, ki ngā mate o te rangi, o te wiki, o te marama, o te tau, koutou mā kua hoki atu ki te ao tuturu mō ngā tangata katoa haere, okioki, tiraha, Moe mai, moe mai, moe mai rā.
Tuatoru, Ki te kingi māori a Tūheitia e noho ana ki runga i te ahurewa tapu o ōna mātua tūpuna, ki tōna hoa rangatira a Atawhai me ōna mokopuna tamariki, Pai marire ki a koutou katoa.
Tuawha Ki a koutou ngā kanohi pakeke, me kii ngā hina o te matauranga, kia whai wā ki te rongo ma i ngā mahi a Te Kōhanga Reo, ki a koe e te kuia a Te Ringahora e noho mai nei i waenganui i a tātou, ahakoa te aha kei reira koe e awhi atu
Tuarima, ki ngā whānau katoa kua tae-a-tinana mai ki tēnei hui whakahirahira a tātou i tēnei rā. Tena koutou
Te mihi whakamutunga ki ngā mokopuna tamariki o Te Kōhanga Reo.
Na konei ngā mihi ka rere kia koutou katoa
Noreira, Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.
He pūrongo tēnei kia whakamōhio atu ki a koutou te whakahaere o tō tātou kōhanga reo. Ka huri au ki te reo huka paraoa, natemea, ko te marama pai atu me te marama pai mai te mea nui.
Same time last year we celebrated Matariki at Tamapahore Marae with Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Otepou and Ngā Potiki. Our parents were fortunate enough to ascend the maunga Kopukairoa with our very own tohunga Jack Thatcher concerning the constellations and Matariki. This we year celebrated the New Māori Year (Matariki) with Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Otepou, Ngapeke te kōhanga reo me te kōhanga reo o Arataki at Ngapeke Marae and Ngati-Pukenga, na koutou te tohunga o te manaaki. This is also a perfect time for us to all reflect on the year and begin to reap the harvest that was sown within our whānau of Te Kōhanga Reo and the fruits which were brought forth .
"Kia whakatō i Te kakano mō tō tātou reo ki waenganui i Te whānau”.
"To sow within our whānau the seed for our māori language.”
"He taonga te mokopuna, he taonga te reo.”
"The child is precious, Our māori language is precious”
Te Ara Tūāpae o Te Wairoa Te Kōhanga Reo- 25yr Strategic Planning
Ko te whakamana i te Reo Māori me ōna tikanga
"Ahakoa he iti, he pounamu” although it may be small, it is still precious.” What a journey it has been to see the small but yet giant steps our whānau have taken. We now have karakia, waiata, rerenga kōrero, kupu hou available to whānau where we can learning alongside our tamariki. Ehara te kumara e kii ana..... but tu meke. A big mihi to our Tāne, who now, are opening our hui with a karakia when present. All of our kaimahi have taken on the Te Reo packages that the National Trust provides as well as our Administrator doing a Small Māori Business Management Certificate L4 and a māmā doing Te Taumata o te Arahiko L4. There were two graduands last year who successfully completed their tohu, Destiny Toto for Computing L4, Rina Smith for Te Ara Tuatahi. Destiny also received her tohu for Te Arataki Manu Kōrero L4. We have nearly finished a Te Reo policy. Kia kaha whānau.
Ko te whakamana i te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo
We can tick off a few of our goals that were set and achieved. We, some whānau and kaimahi have held and attended some wānanga (Te Korowai) that were beneficial for us and have had some awesome feedback as well. We have another wānanga approaching us within the first week of the school holidays which will be based on Te Whāriki (Curriculcum). If you would like to know more about this wānanga please feel free to contact us at the kōhanga reo. To start to build and strengthen our relationship with the Hapū o Ngati-Kahu and to acknowledge that our model of Te Kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo is modelled on our marae, They are just the same. Perhaps set a hui to talk about kōhanga and our relationship to the whānau, marae, hapu, iwi, waka??. Our day with our Kaumatua on the marae was absolutely wonderful, ahakoa te torutoru noaiho, ka nui te aroha. Our mokopuna shone like little stars which they really are.
Ko te whakamana i te mokopuna me te whānau
Ka mau te wehi whānau!, Awesome whānau!, In acknowledgement of the importance of whakapapa in Te Ao Maori, one of our whāinga was to go and visit as much marae as we can within the moana that our mokopuna whakapapa to, to start off with. So far we have been to Te Pirirakau, (Tutereinga, Poutu-te-rangi)powhiri mō ngā kotiro i haere ana ki te kura, Huria-tautoko i te kaupapa o te Poukai, Ngapeke Marae- ko Matariki, Waimapu- Tangihanga, he kuia o te mokopuna. We have a tono from Te Rereatukahia(swap-a-kaimahi) and Matakana Is(noho marae) for next term.
The kaimahi will be setting some short and long term goals for the following year, One of our goals is to erect a playground for our tamariki. Frances Gates has offered to be the Project Manager, if you have any ideas that may be of benefit, please let us know. If you have any information please do not hesitate to contact her on 579 3087wk or 027 813 3491hm.
Te Whāriki
The kōhanga can cater up to 30 tamariki and we have 25 tamariki on the roll and 7 kaimahi. Destiny Mikaere-Toto(kaiako) Frances Gates, Rina Smith, Wahine Kohu, Diane Kokiri, Sonya Apaapa (kaiawhina), Lucia Faulkner(Kaiwhakahaere).
ERO(Education Review Office)
The outcome of this review has been very positive and a really BIG MIHI must go out to the whanau for their input. They answered all the questions with the right answers and Georgina said that we need to be very proud of you all as you are doing and knowing exactly how a kohanga should be operating. Te Pou Tuatoru-(Ma te whanau hanga Kaupapa). This can also be said of your staff, you can all be proud of the staff as they love how we are teaching the tamariki, they love the programming and planning that we do and how we work together with the tamariki, they can see that the tamariki have a routine that they are familiar with and they have lots of activities for them that keeps them stimulated. Keep doing what we are doing and don't change a thing, this is how kohanga should be like. They know because this is what their job is. The report is available on the Internet. As a first time to be audited on the programme and planning/ implementation we have gone onto the cycle which means up to 6 years before another audit will be held, this is very rare to find and we have a SUCCESS story.
Our Mahi kaupapa for this term is Matariki- learning and teaching our whānau about Matariki. We have taught our mokopuna about ngā atua māori, Rongo-ma-tane te atua o te maara kai, Tane Mahuta te atua o ngā huarakau, Tangaroa te atua o ngā kaimoana. They have learnt a new waiata that Frances composed and a whakaari; made a story book, This is part of her Te Kete o te Ako for Te Whakapakari Kete 5 (Hauora) Ngā kai pai. They have learnt te pūrakau ngā tohora o Rangataua. A new waiata composed by Destiny, a whakaari and a book for her Kete o te Ako Kete 3 (Te Reo Māori). They have learnt the ngā marama o te tau, ngā rā o te wiki and the ahuatanga o te rā. This has been an 11 week term and what a lot of success stories we have as a whānau, individuals and of course our mokopuna.
Te Wairoa Kōhanga Reo, State Highway 2, Bethlehem, Tauranga, Telephone: (07) 579 3087
Email: whanau@k14a022.kohanga.ac.nz