Tēnā koutou and welcome to Te Runanga o Ngati Kahu
Mission Statement
In all our activities we seek to realize our vision, achieve our mission and encourage our identified values. Our mission is to promote and encourage the social, cultural and economic advancement of the Ngati Kahu hapu.
Our aim is to reclaim our tino rangatiratanga. We will achieve this by establishing the Runanga as a recognized and trusted vehicle for Ngati Kahu decision-making processes and for the custodianship of the Ngati Kahu collective resources.
We acknowledge the importance of:
Highly skilled personnel and board members proud to be involved in the Ngati Kahu Runanga
Building strategic alliances and maintaining strong and positive relationships
Efficient use of resources.
The vision expresses a future where the hopes and expectations of the hapu are realized.
Guiding Principles
The Runanga is guided by the following principles as set out in the Constitution:
Tino Rangatiratanga
Ngati Kahu determines its own future and controls its own development
Ngati Kahu is guardian for all matters pertaining to the development of the hapu
The mana of Ngati Kahu resides through its kaumatua with its people
The tikanga of Ngati Kahu is to be upheld
Mana whenua
Ngati Kahu as tangata whenue asserts mana whenua over all the lands within its traditional boundaries
Ngati Kahu recognizes its close and historical links with the iwi of Ngati Ranginui, Ngaiterangi and Ngati Pukenga and other iwi and hapu.
Your Committee
Chairperson: Phillip Hikairo
Vice Chairperson: Mita Rahiri
Secretary: Maringi Ngata-Campbell
Treasurer: Maringi Ngata-Campbell
Minute Taker: Maringi Ngata-Campbell
Meetings: Third Sunday of the month, Wairoa Marae at 12.30pm
Maringi Ngata-Campbell
Whanau Reps
ORMSBY Ngarongo Ormsby
BENNETT Ngaronoa Reweti-Ngata, Michael Bennett
POUMAKO Phillip Hikairo, Monty Kuka
RAHIRI Mita Rahiri, Donna Kuka
WHAIAPU Cherrill Whaiapu, Mabel Whaiapu
PIHEMA Wena Haimona
TEKEETI Rodney TeKeeti, Adam TeKeeti
TOKONA Dianne Timu-Carter, Avon Timu