Ahu Whenua Trust
453 Land Trust
Chairmans 2011 Report
Hiki ake aku mata ki te rangi he hihiri ki te orokohanganga o te runga o te raro
Ko koe e Ihoa
Nāu te mauri o te motu i tapa: he mana i heke mai i ngā kāwai nui o ngā matā waka
Kingi Tuheitia tēnei ka whakamihi
Maringi mai a roimata, he tangi waipuke ki te nui o roto o Waitaha, Hāpani o Ngati Kahu
Otirā ki a koe te whanaunga e Howard
Kua whiti ki tua, hoki atu rā ki ngā one tapu o Hawaiki-ki- tawhiti
Mahue mai ko te ao ki a mātou
Ko te pō ki a koutou kei aku kahurangi
Taoki atu rā i te moenga te whita
Waiho mai ko mātou hei pikau i ngā mahi kua mahue mai
Kei aku nui kei aku whakatiketike tēnā koutou katoa. Tēnei tātou kua waihape mai nei ki te puāhurutanga o tō tātou marae a o Ngāti Kahu nō reira nau mai hoki mai. Heoi anō, he tau anō tēnei e te iwi nō reira kia rirā tātou ki te hapai i ngā mahi hei painga mō tātou katoa.
Kia ora rā tatou e te whānau
I would like extend a warm to welcome to the all the whanau who have taken time out for this Annual General Meeting of the 453 Trust for 2011 and a big thank you to the whānau who have given their support to the trustees over the past three years for the management of the 453 block. While it has not been an easy task for us as trustees due to inherited problems and issues that we have had to deal with it is not my wish to return to the past or revive any of those historical issues, suffice to say let the past remain in the past but however we will learn from what was good as well as the things that weren't, "kia titiro ai tātou ki ngā rā o mua hei whakatikatika te huarahi mō tātou me o tātou tamariki, mokopuna e haere ake nei”. I would like to acknowledge your trustees who have worked hard at getting our land back to something that is workable and can be utilised now to its full potential to achieve our aspirations and those of our ancestors as a taonga we all can call with pride as ours. I do acknowledge our leasee for his patience and perseverance and he has done a fantastic job in carrying out his obligations and responsibilities under his contract with the trust and given the frustrations that he has had to endure it is with heartfelt thanks and with sincerity that I do this
Moving Forward
The current trustees have signed a 5 year lease with our leasee with the view that our tribunal claims should have been settled by that time and then another meeting will be held to seek further direction from the shareholders for any further future developments or aspirations we might have. In conclusion whānau there will be no more verbal agreements made with made this trust.
Heoi anō koina noaiho maku hei tēnei wā
Noho ora mai
Tēna tātou Katoa
Whare Rahiri - Chairperson, Kotene Pihema - Vice-Chair, Mokohiti Brown - Sec/Treasurer
Trustees: Peri Smith, Murray Bennett, Charles Rahiri, Chappy Bidois
For further details contact: Mokohiti Brown on (07) 576 4447 or email mokohiti@xtra.co.nz
Maori Land on Line is an extension to the Maori Land Court website and can be found at www.justice.govt.nz or www.maorilandonline.govt.nz